Are you concerned with the one-size-fits-all approach of the public education system? 

Enhance Your Child's Education with Origins Curriculum

Discover Origins Curriculum, a supplemental program designed to address and nurture your child's unique needs. Amidst the challenges of traditional schooling models, our curriculum offers a solution that complements your child’s primary education by focusing on their mental and emotional health in addition to their academic growth.

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Nurturing Analog Kids in a Digital World

Today's educational environment can often leave children overwhelmed by screen time and underwhelmed by personal interaction and engagement with nature. Origins Curriculum provides a holistic approach that nurtures every child’s potential, helping them grow into their best selves. Our evidence-based methods promote:

Reduced Anxiety and Depression: Our activities are designed to decrease stress and enhance emotional resilience.
Enhanced Emotional Intelligence: We help children develop greater self-awareness and empathy.
Improved Cognitive Abilities: Through engaging, hands-on activities, we boost memory, attention, and cognitive skills.

Tailored Supplemental Education

Whether your child attends public or private school, Origins Curriculum can serve as a powerful supplement, ensuring they receive an education that prioritizes more than just academics. With our curriculum, you introduce a balanced approach that includes:

Flexibility and Freedom: Adapt our resources to fit into your child’s schedule and learning preferences.
Connection to Nature: Our activities encourage outdoor learning and hands-on experiences that reconnect children with the natural world.
Holistic Development: We focus on building a strong foundation in emotional and mental health, critical in today’s digital age.

Join the Movement

With a significant rise in homeschooling and alternative education models, parents are increasingly seeking options that offer safety and personalization. Origins Curriculum supports this shift by providing a nurturing, flexible educational tool that complements traditional schooling.

Empower Your Child's Journey

Give your child the educational foundation they deserve—one that goes beyond textbooks and classrooms. See how our curriculum can supplement your child’s learning environment to foster a balanced, holistic development.


Winner of the international‘Greening Education Solutions Provider’ award!

In recognition of its exceptional contribution towards providing innovative eco-conscious education solutions that inspire and equip schools and educators to foster environmental awareness and sustainability.


Curriculum Bundle

Discover the Joy of Learning with Origins Supplemental Subscription
Introducing our fun-filled supplemental subscription designed specifically for preschool through 5th grade children to explore and enjoy beyond the classroom. For an incredibly low price, unlock a treasure trove of engaging lessons and projects that your child will absolutely love—no more monotonous tasks, just pure educational fun!


Preschool Supplemental  


Get 4 conscious lessons, one for every week of the month plus training videos, planners, video library and access to our private community. 
Billed monthly 

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GradeSchool Supplemental



Get 5 conscious supplemental lessons monthly for kids ages K-5th plus training videos, planners, video library and access to our private community. 

Billed monthly

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If you wish to cancel your subscription to Origins Curriculum, contact our Customer Service team at [email protected]. In order to prevent an additional billing cycle, you must reach out at least seven (7) business days prior to your subscription renewal date.

Ready to Upgrade to Premium?

Our premium all-in-one Conscious Curriculum is waiting for you!  

Click here for pricing! 

Premium Monthly Curriculum

Curriculum Details


Cognitive lessons provide a variety of stimulation geared towards enhancing neurological skills such as imagination, attention, resilience, reflection, interpretation, initiative, self direction, logical reasoning, critical thinking, and engineering. Such lessons may include completing or creating a puzzle and sequencing or ordering events.


Mindfulness lessons provide opportunities to practice presence and garner self awareness through emotions, empathy, respect, self concept, self regulation, likes and dislikes, gratitude, affirmations, sound healing, and self esteem. In preschool we focus on calming strategies, identifying how we feel, and establishing self concept.

Sensory Exploration

Sensory Exploration encourages preschoolers to hone all of the senses through tactile, auditory, visual, gustatory, and olfactory exploration. Children use their senses to connect with and make sense of the world around them.  Some of our sensory exploration lessons can get messy, but that’s where the fun comes in!

Food & Nutrition

Food & Nutrition lessons give students the chance to diversify their taste buds, observe the food available to them, categorize foods, and learn about food in a threat free environment. Food is a major component of bringing people together and cultural identity, and plays a pivotal role in relationships to self and others.

Fine Arts

Fine Arts lessons expose children to a broad perspective on art forms including music, theater, literature, sculpture, and visual art. Activities call for a multitude of mediums and the study of different artists. Students can find pride in themselves and respect for others.


Science lessons provide observation and experimentation to inform knowledge of physical science and life science. From body systems and self care, through food chains and ecosystems, to life cycles and climate change, students recognize the important role they play in the future of our world.


Mathematics lessons provide a foundation of number sense, operations, measurement, data analysis, algebraic thinking, geometry, and spatial reasoning. A focus on real world applications provides meaning and context through math tasks and math center games.

Social Studies

Social Studies lessons deliver a scope of information concerning people and their interaction with society and culture through the lenses of community, spatial exploration, conservation, resources, pollution, sustainability, Indigenous cultures, global warming, farm to table and seed to store concepts, and wants versus needs.

Fine Motor

Fine Motor helps and encourages young children to exercise their fine motor strength is important for writing, typing, tying shoes, buttoning buttons, using scissors, and eating.  Origins curriculum provides many opportunities for fine motor exercise through practicing cutting, playing with playdough, or tracing.


Social-Emotional lessons teach preschoolers to identify and talk about emotions. We let children explore various tools for self regulation, like breathing exercises, movement, discussion, and calming activities.  Origins encourages an openness and appreciation for the broad spectrum of emotions humans are able to experience.


Literacy lessons teach preschoolers to identify and talk about emotions.  We let children explore various tools for self regulation, like breathing exercises, movement, discussion, and calming activities.  Origins encourages an openness and appreciation for the broad spectrum of emotions humans are able to experience.



The beauty of teaching a class of unique individuals, can also be the challenge. A number of learning styles and a variety of developmental stages can be found in a single classroom of children. Origins’ lesson plans are designed to meet the needs of all types of learners: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, logical, social, solitary, and naturalistic. Lessons also encompass more than one subject at a time, to mirror real life and to ignite interest from multiple angles.

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Join us as we change the world...
One child at a time!

Experience the power of our conscious curriculum. Discover the profound connection it can ignite within you and your students. 

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