Introduction to Winter and your wellness.

As the colors of Fall continue to fade away and we advance into the month of December, our Focal Point shifts from Internal to External: Who Lives Here? The Winter portion of the mandala leads us into an exploration of who and what existed here on planet Earth before us. We begin by venturing into the realm of extinct and endangered species and building an introductory foundation of knowledge about Indigenous people.

Often, Winter is looked at as a time for things to lay dormant, but there is so much magic happening beneath the layers. For the Spring to bring new flowers, seeds lay dormant, safe in the soil. We are stirring up that magic as we invite you to discover Who Lives Here with Origins Curriculum.

7 Winter Wellness Tips

We love every season, but we also know Winter can be tough for many, and this year has already been a struggle for all of us. To combat seasonal depression and enjoy the season of Winter, we are making an effort to do a few things…

  • Get outside more and into the sun as much as possible
  • Take Vitamin D supplement
  • Journal/Self-Reflection/Therapeutic Practices
  • Being mindful of what we consume (body/mind/spirit)
  • Establishing a strong Gratitude Practice
  • Connecting w/ family & friends for phone or video calls
  • Making time for Self-Care

We’re excited to share our new Winter guided meditation. Let us take you and your student/s on a magical winter ride!

Our Guided Meditations are available in our
Bloom & Homeschool Packages



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