Fall Mandalas

The days are getting shorter. The weather is getting colder and with these changes, we prepare for fall. This is a perfect time to move your lessons to what is different, what is changing, and what do we feel. Origins Curriculum focuses on the whole child’s homeschool experience, encouraging your child to learn from the world around them. Creating a fall-inspired Mandala is a wonderful way for your child to build that relationship.

To help your child create their relationship with nature finds a space in your area that allows for exploration. Have your child find elements of nature that have fallen or are readily available. Speak with your child about what they have found. Ask them what these elements offer to the nature around them. Slowly, as you talk with your child create a small circle with the pieces found and begin to build your Mandala. As your child finds more build your Mandala ring by ring until your child is happy with the piece they have made.

When your Mandala is finished stand back with your child and admire the work that they have done.

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