3 Reasons Why Your Preschool Center Needs Origins Curriculum

For preschool centers, the search for a quality curriculum can seem daunting. Structured curriculum in early childhood education is often fraught with lessons that are developmentally inappropriate, difficult to implement, or creatively stifling to the educators.

In your journey to find the perfect balance between engagement and achievement, allow Origins Curriculum to be your final destination.

1. Preventing Educator Burn-Out

As classroom teachers of both past and present, the curriculum team at Origins understands the trials and tribulations of educator burn-out. The pressure to provide academic achievement, opportunities for social-emotional development, maintaining schedules… all while remaining patient, present and upbeat for your students? It can be overwhelming. Our goal is to guide you through the entire process: top to bottom. With Origins, you’ll do it all without breaking a sweat.

In addition to finding balance between structure and curiosity, teachers are often caught between reading from a pre-printed script or making every single resource in their free time. With Origins, we provide a full library of materials; daily lessons, hand crafted items, and a variety of media to supplement every topic. Teachers are not bound by a “boxed” method of teaching, nor are they expected to fashion every activity from scratch. As with everything we do, beauty is a priority, and we want teachers to remain present in their students and enjoy the expressive nature of their craft. By giving them the tools they need to understand and recognize growth through non-traditional measurements, teachers are able to see their students for who they are without becoming hyper-focused on what they can do.

2. Science-Based Methods

In early childhood education, child development is often overlooked for the sake of achievement, causing more problems for children than solutions. By putting developmentally appropriate methods at the forefront, Origins aims to provide the most well-rounded education possible. We keep social emotional wellness, eco-literacy, and mindfulness at the forefront, and we allow play to lead the way. 

With Origins, children learn who they are as people and how they relate to the world around them, and teachers are given the tools they need to guide a passion-driven education without ever losing sight of the developmental objectives.


3. The Origins Effect

Children tend to follow their own path when it comes to learning, and that’s the most infectious part about teaching them. Providing structure and guidance to the way they learn should never inhibit their curiosity, it should facilitate it! In our programs, lessons are written with a child’s natural interest in mind, encouraging inspiration and inquiry without deviating from the developmental objectives.

As you and your student move through the year, you will notice the Origins Effect: the Origins Curriculum will have positive, immediate effects that evolve and grow into long-term, healthy habits. These habits will positively influence and ripple out into the world. You can hear it in your student’s voice, can witness it as they more fully explore their internal and external worlds, experience it as you help them deepen their socioemotional awareness, and see it as they express their care and concern for the earth and its living inhabitants.

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